Professional Development & Leadership

DC CTE Learn

DC CTE Learn offers over 160 self-paced online courses for CTE professionals. Whether you are looking for engaging professional development or a more convenient way to obtain continuing education credits and advance your career, our online courses are designed for you. DC CTE Learn offers an array of topics that focus on effective and proven teaching and leading strategies. Our credit courses have been designed to support CTE institutions with a comprehensive, virtual professional development program.

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National ACTE Professional Development and Leadership Opportunities

The ACTE National Leadership Fellowship Program began in 2009 as an Opportunity Fund project initiated by the ACTE Board of Directors. The purpose of the ACTE Fellowship Program is to:

  • help establish a leadership development program for CTE educators in ACTE and assist individuals in further developing their leadership skills in CTE and their involvement in professional associations
  • provide an opportunity for CTE educators to become familiar with and participate in the processes used by policymakers in the development and implementation of laws, regulations and other public policies at the local, state and federal levels
  • identify, train and motivate a cadre of leaders who will continue to position ACTE as a leader in developing an educated, prepared, adaptable and competitive workforce.

The Fellowship

In summary, the ACTE Fellowship Program is an instrument to provide professional development, policy knowledge and leadership development. Guidelines, Program of Work and Additional Information Detailed information can be found in the ACTE Fellowship Program Guidelines and Application.  Applications are due September 15. The application can be found in the ACTE Fellowship Program Guidelines and Application.

There are two cohort types to enhance the ACTE Fellowship Experience.

New Professionals! The New Professionals Fellows will be targeted to members with 2-5 years CTE experience and will provide participants with the leadership, professional and policy skills they need to grow as a CTE and ACTE advocate! Participants will receive a $1,000 stipend in addition to complimentary registration for NPS and VISION!

Experienced Fellows! Our original program, the experienced fellows are members with more than five or more years of experience in CTE. Participants will receive a $1,000 stipend in addition to complimentary registration for NPS and VISION!


Interested members must apply via the ACTE Awards Portal; five participants will be selected, one representing each Region, for each cohort, in addition to certain divisions who have elected to support a Fellow.

Fellowship Coordinators

Fellowship Coordinators are responsible for overseeing and implementing the ACTE National Leadership Fellowship Program. Coordinators facilitate all Fellowship Program activities, maintains monthly contact with the Fellows, and coordinates mentorship and personally provides mentorship to the Fellows. The Fellowship Coordinator will also work with ACTE staff to set up meetings and conference calls for the Fellows, report to the ACTE Board of Directors on the status of the program, and attend NPS and the ACTE CareerTech VISION.

Fellowship Coordinators are asked to commit to a two-year term to provide consistency in the program. At the end of the initial two years, the Fellowship Coordinator may reapply. The Fellowship Coordinator will mentor a “Fellowship Coordinator Elect” during their last year.

Additional information, as well as the application, is available here. The deadline to apply is June 15 for the next Fellowship Coordinator Elect. The Fellowship Coordinator Elect term will start in January, with the official Fellowship Coordinator term beginning January and ending December.

Stakeholder Professional Development Opportunities

Details coming soon.

Inclusion, Access, Equity, and Diversity (IAED)

ACTE promotes high quality CTE programs for diverse audiences. We continue to build an inclusive culture that encourages, supports and celebrates the diversity of the CTE community. We are committed to inclusion, access, equity, and diversity throughout our organization.

Click here to learn more about ACTE’s IAED initiatives and resources.

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